Erica Friedman Wellness

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Maternity Photos: 35 Weeks and Counting

There comes a time in every pregnancy when the women is...READY. After 30+ weeks of carrying a baby around, your body starts to feel tired, large, and a bit uncomfortable. With every passing week my husband and I laugh about what new vegetable or fruit Baby B has now become (courtesy of The Bump). Since we’re at Pineapple status I feel it’s fair for me to say...I’m SO ready :) joke with my husband that I feel like I’ve been pregnant for 2+ years. That statement isn’t entirely false. Through fertility treatments, IVF, and miscarriage, my body has received an influx of hormones, injections, and various medications for quite some time. I couldn’t tell you the last time I didn’t start my morning without a pill or could touch my toes without feeling out of breath. Putting on shoes? That's the biggest challenge of all. 

When Pregnancy Got Tough

Our pregnancy has not come without its challenges. Around the 30-week mark things started getting tough, which also coincided with the big move to Seattle. I fell down a flight of stairs and sprained my rotator cuff (luckily, me and baby were ok!). I have also been experiencing nerve pain in my left leg and foot and back pain from the extra weight on my body. Thank you VIDA Integrated Health and Aditi for keeping me moving! From all the reading I’ve done and baby prep classes we’ve taken I consider myself VERY lucky that these are my biggest complaints. I may be ready, but at 35/36 weeks we want him to cook in the belly oven just a little longer :)

Maternity Photos

As soon as I knew we were moving to Seattle I went on the hunt to find a fabulous maternity / newborn photographer. Luckily I stumbled upon Kristin Harris Photography and we are so happy with how our photos turned out. Our dog, Macaroon, was also able to join the fun. I am a huge picture taker and soon enough these will be covering our home. I’ve included a few of our favorites below :) Stay tuned for more adventures as we near the finish line and get ready to welcome Baby B. xoxo,EricaMaternityPhotoshoot33weekspregnantDogMaternityPhotosBabyFriedmanMaternityPhotoshootMaternityPhotoshoot