Mix It Up! 4 Ways to Change Up Your Daily Fitness Routine

What does your daily exercise routine look like? Do you find yourself sticking to the same strength or cardio workout every day? If so, it’s time to mix it up! Keeping your body guessing, and heading out of your comfort zone, will improve your results.Workouts should be fun. And while sometimes early morning sweat sessions are mind-numbing (wait, how many reps was that?!), that sense of accomplishment always makes them totally worth it. The body is pretty smart, and after months of the same routine, you may notice your workouts becoming a bit easier. Yes, you are getting stronger—but a plateau is just around the corner. To prevent that from happening, and to keep your fitness game strong, I’ve rounded up four fun ways to switch up your routine.Set a GoalLast year I competed in my first NPC Bodybuilding Competition. I was terrified. But working with a professional coach, following my meal plan, and sticking to my workouts helped me stay focused.Big or small, set SMART goals for yourself this year. Run a 5k, hike the trail behind your house, or sign up for your first yoga class! Fitness is a beautiful thing and can impact every aspect of your life, so taking the time to set goals may make a huge difference.SMART Goals

  • Specific: Make it clear and easy to understand.
  • Measurable: How will you track it?
  • Attainable: Only YOU know what you can achieve, but I say go big. What’s stopping you?
  • Relevant: Make sure this goal is for you, and no one else.
  • Time-bound: This year it’s going to happen!

Once you pick a goal, make it public! Not only will this help hold you accountable, but you will connect with people encouraging you to succeed.Try a Group Fitness ClassIf you’re looking for a great way to get started, meet new people, and maximize your time, then a group fitness class is for you.Just show up. The benefit of a group fitness class is the guidance you receive from a coach. The warm-up, workout, and cool down are designed for you. Whether you’re a beginner or advanced athlete, a fitness professional is prepared to guide you through a timed workout. So all you have to do is show up...and get ready to have some fun.Get social. Classes are a great way to meet others with fitness goals. Maybe it’s a high-five after a tough ride, or an extra “good job” from someone new, but something about being a room of sweaty hard-working people pumps me up. I’ve met amazing people in my classes. The extra benefit to fit friends? Accountability. Book a class with your new workout buddy and you’ll be more likely to show up.Maximize your time. Show up, work hard, and then you’re done—all in one hour or less. In my experience, group classes are an effective way to burn calories in a short amount of time. Don’t let a tight schedule keep you from reaching your fitness goals.Surf the WebThere are a ton of amazing resources and videos online. YouTube and Pinterest are personal favorites for workout tips and ideas. But, the volume can be overwhelming, so make your search as specific as possible.

  • Workout type: HIIT, Strength, Plyometrics, etc.
  • Body focus: Legs, Upper body, Back, etc. What area are you aiming to train
  • Workout goal: Strength, Fat Loss, Cardio Endurance, etc. What is your goal
  • Location: Where are you working out? At home, in a gym, or even at a park.
  • Male/Female: Workouts are often designs with a male or female body in mind, so add this to your search for the best fit.

As always, only do what you feel comfortable with, especially if you are working out solo. I skip movements all the time. Below are some of my go-to sites for exploring.

Looking for more? Check out this great list of free workouts from the Huffington Post.Head outsideSometimes I need some fresh air, and with San Diego weather, the opportunity to head outside is not one I like to pass up. The change in scenery offers great views, fresh air, and sunshine (good ole Vitamin D). Not only will I burn calories in my outdoor workout, but I always feel more upbeat and positive. Another advantage to heading outside is the uneven terrain. Running on a treadmill is a great cardio workout, but running outside challenges new muscles and expends more energy. I’m always looking for new ways to mix up my fitness routine and keep my body guessing. What are some of your favorite ways to switch up your workouts?


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