6 Tips to Master a Bear Hover

I love integrating a bear position (hands and knees). But, this anti-gravity position can be quite challenging postpartum, especially with loose skin and a weakened abdominal wall (totally normal after kiddos). Through mindful progressions we can advance the position while connecting with the deep abdominals, managing pressure, and monitoring for any symptoms, such as leaking or coning. Why practice a hands and knees position? Feeling strong here will set you up for success in more advanced core movements, and is a prerequisite for movements like push ups, planks, renegade rows, burpees, etc.

6 Tips to Master a Bear Hover

1. Feet against the wall / wall reference: I love adding references. Pressing actively into the wall creates a sense of stability, safety, and creates tension throughout the body. In many ways placing the feet against the wall helps ground us, and can be a game changer as you practice bear position breathing.

2. Actively push through your hands: Staying active in the upper body kicks on the Serratus muscle, allows for more posterior expansion, and keeps us from hanging out on our joints. I typically cue pushing through with the index finger and thumb. This is probably one of the hardest parts about holding yourself up in this position, without rounding through the spine and dropping the chest. When staying active you’ll also be able to get some nice back expansion on inhalation. Challenging? Check out tip three.
3. Place hands on yoga blocks: bringing the ground closer to you can be very helpful as you work on number two.
4. Start with knees grounded: master the breath and connection in a more supportive position before elevating.
- Rather than inhales/exhales while hovering. Try inhaling to hover (push through the hands and breathe into the back), exhale to lower knees down.

5. Add a yoga block between the legs: this can be helpful for sensing adductors and driving the deep core connection.
6. PRACTICE! Seems obvious, but this takes a lot of work and time. Keep practicing and progressing bit by bit.

Not sure where to start? I offer 1:1 Personal training both virtually and in person in San Diego, plus an 8-week Postpartum Fitness Program. You can set up a 15-Minute FREE consultation too ;)



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