Beauty in Strength
I admire my mother for many reasons. She is approachable, loving, vivacious, full of life, and according to most people we meet—my twin. But one of the characteristics I love most about my mother is her strength. When she was 29, my mother lost her mom to breast cancer. I was only five-years-old, and although I would love to say I remember my grandmother’s warm heart, joyous laugh, and curly hair—I do not. Her memories live on through photos, stories, and quirks my mother has picked up over the years :) This year I turned 30, and I cannot even imagine losing a parent so young.
This post isn’t about breast cancer, but rather on the strength of my mother, and women like her (and you and me); those that find strength in times of heartache, in times of joy, and strength from others in the community. Strength means something different to everyone, and that’s what makes it unique and powerful.
What does strength mean to you? To some it’s bulging biceps (flex), climbing a flight of stairs, or lifting a heavy suitcase (I take personal pride in that :) ). But strength is also the added confidence in yourself as you tackle something new, the sense of support obtained from a new friend, and quite honestly, feeling like a badass when you cross an item off your bucket list.
“You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so you can know who you are, what you can rise from, how you can still come out of it.” ~ Maya Angelou
There will be times when your strength will be tested, but keep pushing forward. One of my goals is to empower women (men too) through fitness and healthy living. I am not a physician, but rather a strong woman who has seen how beneficial healthy living, positive thinking, and community can be. My goal is to wake up each morning and write down one thing I love about myself and my strength. I love that when a friend struggles through heartache I can be there to support him/her; I love that when the instructor says 5 more seconds, I go for 10; I love that when I leave my yoga mat I feel lighter, focused, and ready to tackle my day. I would love you to join me.I encourage you to find beauty in strength, as well as those tough moments when strength seems hard to come by. I can relate to those moments, especially recently. But from these moments we learn, grow, and become better people. Together we grow stronger, together we find community, and together we find beauty in strength. Find your strong, and when in doubt...I got you :)