A year of ADDitions: 2018 Here We Come

Woah, what happened to 2017?! I can honestly say the year flew by. They say as you age time moves faster - agreed. It seems like yesterday I was trudging through snow at UW-Madison, getting ready for my first date with my husband, and dancing the night away at our wedding. Wait, wasn’t that yesterday?EricaFriedman-WeddingPhotoTime is a funny thing. There are moments I wish I could go back to a given event, but I never fear the passing of time. With every year I learn more about myself and the woman I want to become. I am strong, I am powerful, and I am wiser than the me from ten years ago, even if it means a few gray hairs. A wise woman, Asia Dawn, posed a great question, “what do you want to ADD in the new year to enhance your life?” It’s not about resolutions, or removing/eliminating, but positive and healthy additions. For me, it’s more quiet, disconnection, and time to focus on my writing and my yoga practice. I can’t remember the last time I just sat and read a book or soaked in a bubble bath without a phone nearby. The last couple of weeks I’ve been in a bit of a brain fog, busy with work, family, and well...life. 2017 had its ups and downs, but I am not focusing on what could have been, or what I need to remove. I’m focused on new things that ADD value to my life, to my day, and to my mood. In 2018 my goal is to fall in love with everything I am, to live in the moment, and focus on the ADDitions I mentioned above. Priorities: quiet, disconnection, yoga, writing, and self love and care. https://www.instagram.com/p/Ba-ia0SjlTC/?taken-by=heather213Make this the year of YOU. Remember that it’s OK to say “no” sometimes and take a little R & R for yourself :) Whether it’s enjoying a glass of wine on the patio, doing a solo workout, or binge-watching your favorite show (I'm currently obsessed with The Americans), gift yourself the opportunity to take more YOU time. Let’s scrap New Year’s resolutions! What are you looking to ADD to your life in 2018? Let me know below. Wishing you a healthy and happy 2018. Xoxo,Erica


My 2018 Word: Strength


How to be Fearless