My 2018 Word: Strength

I’ve been doing a lot of thinking lately about my goals for 2018. I’m not talking resolutions - I’m talking goals! Even better - Big Hairy Audacious Goals (BHAG). A former boss of mine used to talk about our team’s BHAG all of the time, and the idea really stuck with me. If we focused on a BHAG, could we accomplish more?

New Year’s Resolutions

Thousands of people set New Year’s resolutions every year. While I applaud you and me for taking positive steps towards improving our health, I’m not an advocate of New Year’s resolutions. In fact, I’m sort of over them. Why? They often look a lot like this:

  • Lose pounds (insert desired weight)
  • Eat better
  • Plan a trip

New Years Resolution-WeightlossNutrition, exercise, and adventure are always top of mind for me, but what I’ve come to learn is that being a bit more specific and a bit more bold can work wonders. Let’s switch up these New Year’s Resolutions and make them a bit more BHAG.

  • Commit to three months of regular exercise, attending fitness classes at least three days a week and going for a daily walk. Sign up for a class I’ve never tried and introduce myself to someone in class (for me this is barre!). Tip: Great way to make #sweatyfriends
    • After three months, sign up for a race or competition! Something you never thought you’d do (BHAG).
  • Read three nutrition books (like this one) or blogs (sign up for newsletters) focused on clean eating and healthy recipes. Cook at least two recipes per week.
    • After three months, invite friends over for a healthy feast featuring some of my new recipes.
  • Plan a summer trip to Italy - #1 on my must-see list. Create a budget plan, research flights, ask friends for tips, and start research. Booking details finalized by February and itinerary finalized by May.

What I’ve done is break down the same three goals above, but make them a bit more actionable and bold. Now I have very specific steps to accomplish my three big goals! Weight loss, eating better, and planning a trip are no easy task - these are BHAG indeed.

Go Big in 2018

In 2018 I also encourage you to go big and think outside the box. My friend Nicole over at Fitness Fatale posed a great question, “what is one word to describe your 2018?” Instead of aligning on a few resolutions, focus on ONE word. Acceptance, Breath, Focus, Power, Strength, Empowerment, Bravery.


FocusOnStrength Strength is not only physical - it’s emotional. We all have our ups and downs, and it’s SO important to remain focused on your word. STRENGTH. This year no matter what the world throws at me, I am strong, I am capable, and I am Limitless. I’ve always been a New Year’s Resolution gal, so this is a total mindset switch for me. But, aligning on this focus WORD has also helped me zero in on my priorities for 2018 and how I approach them.


I AM LIMITLESS in 2018. I am STRONG in body and mind. I can find balance. I can stress less. I can move my body more. I can eat smarter. I can be more supportive of loved ones. I can and I will. I am kicking off my year of STRENGTH with Gixo and Fit Approach in the #IAmLimitless challenge. Each Wednesday and Friday, starting on January 10 – February 2, Fit Approach will be sharing messages of inspiration, empowerment, and positivity. You can join the movement too :) IAMLimitless-GixoLet’s tackle 2018 together. It’s not about resolutions with specific timelines. It’s about being bold, thinking big (BHAG), and setting yourself up for success. Bring. It. On.


Clean Eating for a Healthier YOU


A year of ADDitions: 2018 Here We Come